

This episode begins with Wilmarie, Nikki, and Lauren getting Jennifer to go home, nobody really seems effected by it.  Then there are nasty rumors of Char posted on the internet, she just seems to be really embarrassed and denies the accusations.  The girls then head over to the tattoo parlor and Kori gets her tattoo on her back re-done.  While they're there Char meets Eric, a music producer that seems pretty interested in Char and they set up a date.  Char couldn't be more annoying on this date. It seems more like an hour interview session for poor Eric rather than a date.  She's asking him about committment and how he feels about marriage and just questions that seem really not for the first date type of questions.  So the date is unsuccessful, imagine that.  At some point during this episode, Lauren hangs up on Jessica's mom.. when word gets back she's extremely mad.  She confront's Lauren saying "I know it was you, because my mom said a hillbilly hung up on her", and Lauren just doesn't responde. Later that night, the bad girls are typical bad girls, and after some alcohol the topic is brought back up and this time gets a little more confrontational.  And as always, the episode ends with a fight, and Nikki gets a cheap shot in on Jessica.  Which is ironic, because about a half hour later she's in Jessica's room discussing why they had stopped being friends to begin with.. FAKE!

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