

This episode begins with the girls going on a radio show called "Loveline".  The girls were separated into two groups- Char, Jennifer, Lauren and Jessica speak on the air first and Nikki, Ashley and Kori go on air second.  Later on, Kori thanks Nikki and Lauren for being mature on the radio and Char gets really angry about this.  She thinks you shouldn't have to thank someone for behaving the way they should behave.  While I agree with Char to an extent, I don't think a 27 year old woman should really base wether or not she's going to have fun that night on who is talking to who, or who is thanking who.

Nikki also has a very good-looking "friend" over this episode that everyone can agree is quite a catch.  While Lauren knows to leave Nikki the room for the night, Char didn't get the memo and she stays in the room while Nikki sleeps with her "friend".
Towards the end Ashley starts to let the other girls know that she thinks Kori brags about having money, and it's starting to get to her.  The icing on the cake is when the girls stop for fast food on the way home from a night out, and Kori (whose driving) uses Ashley's card to pay for everyone's food.
And this IS the Bad Girls Club, so we all know what comes next.  Yep, Ashley and Kori fight.

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