

Once Nikki starts to expose her fake ways, Wilmarie and Lauren seem to not play her as closely.  But the girls go out for a fun little game of dodgeball, I probably don't have to tell you the teams but you guessed it - Wilma, Nikki & Lauren and Char, Jessica & Kori.  Jessica and Nikki slowly seem to be getting closer again.
Lauren, Nikki and Wilma go out one night in search for some "guidos", but the night ends a little sour.  Wilmarie is crying, and Nikki calls Wilma a "Replacement" (god forbid! thats the worst name to be called this season of bad girls).  Wilmarie goes home to tell teamChar about the night and they all respond with a big "I told you so!"


This episode begins with Wilmarie, Nikki, and Lauren getting Jennifer to go home, nobody really seems effected by it.  Then there are nasty rumors of Char posted on the internet, she just seems to be really embarrassed and denies the accusations.  The girls then head over to the tattoo parlor and Kori gets her tattoo on her back re-done.  While they're there Char meets Eric, a music producer that seems pretty interested in Char and they set up a date.  Char couldn't be more annoying on this date. It seems more like an hour interview session for poor Eric rather than a date.  She's asking him about committment and how he feels about marriage and just questions that seem really not for the first date type of questions.  So the date is unsuccessful, imagine that.  At some point during this episode, Lauren hangs up on Jessica's mom.. when word gets back she's extremely mad.  She confront's Lauren saying "I know it was you, because my mom said a hillbilly hung up on her", and Lauren just doesn't responde. Later that night, the bad girls are typical bad girls, and after some alcohol the topic is brought back up and this time gets a little more confrontational.  And as always, the episode ends with a fight, and Nikki gets a cheap shot in on Jessica.  Which is ironic, because about a half hour later she's in Jessica's room discussing why they had stopped being friends to begin with.. FAKE!


This week we met Jessica's brother Aaron, who is quite entertaining if you ask me.  When Jessica picks her brother up at the airport she gives him the details on who's who and who likes who.  He doesn't seem to be phased by the petty drama.  Aaron has a sense of humor so all the girls feel pretty comfortable around him.  That evening all the girls minus teamNikki go out to eat with Aaron, the girls get more in depth about why the don't like Nikki and Lauren but Aaron seems more interested in them after Char talks trash.
This whole conversation may have been what led Jennifer to tell the girls that she didn't come here to build a family bond with the other girls, and she didn't necessarily come for friends either.  While none of the girls really liked what they had heard, Kori seemed to let it bother her the most.  And after all, the girls thought it bothered Kori so much because she doesn't have a close bond to her actually family so she did want a close bond with the girls in the house.
Later that night everyone went out to the club and Aaron got a little to drunk.  When the girls get home Aaron's all over the place- flirting with Nikki, crawling in bed with Kori, and ends up peeing himself while he's sleeping.  Aaron leaves the next morning with little memory of the night before.  Ashley goes home this episode for the fight with Kori and at the end of the episode we get our THIRD Jersey girl, Wilmarie.  Surprisingly enough, she teams up with Nikki and Lauren!


This episode begins with the girls going on a radio show called "Loveline".  The girls were separated into two groups- Char, Jennifer, Lauren and Jessica speak on the air first and Nikki, Ashley and Kori go on air second.  Later on, Kori thanks Nikki and Lauren for being mature on the radio and Char gets really angry about this.  She thinks you shouldn't have to thank someone for behaving the way they should behave.  While I agree with Char to an extent, I don't think a 27 year old woman should really base wether or not she's going to have fun that night on who is talking to who, or who is thanking who.

Nikki also has a very good-looking "friend" over this episode that everyone can agree is quite a catch.  While Lauren knows to leave Nikki the room for the night, Char didn't get the memo and she stays in the room while Nikki sleeps with her "friend".
Towards the end Ashley starts to let the other girls know that she thinks Kori brags about having money, and it's starting to get to her.  The icing on the cake is when the girls stop for fast food on the way home from a night out, and Kori (whose driving) uses Ashley's card to pay for everyone's food.
And this IS the Bad Girls Club, so we all know what comes next.  Yep, Ashley and Kori fight.


So far on season 6 of Bad Girls Club we've seen two girls go home, Jade and Sydney.   Jade left on episode 1, she got a little too intoxicated the first night and didn't really hit it off with any of the girls, so she left the next morning.  Ashley replaced Jade in episode 3.  And Sydney left the following episode, she couldn't deal with the cliques that were beginning to form in the house.  She didn't agree that if Char didn't like Nikki she wasn't suppose to like her either.  With that said, there are two cliques .. Nikki and Lauren (teamNikki) and the rest of the girls, Kori, Char, Jessica, and Ashley (teamChar).

Now that you're up to speed, this episode Sydney's replacement came- Jennifer.  Jennifer's another Jersey girl!  The other is Nikki.  Nikki and Lauren sat back when the new girl arrived and allowed her to pick her side.  Surprise, surprise- she joined teamChar!  This becomes evident when after an argument between Lauren, Nikki and Char.  Lauren and Nikki throw Char's mattress out the window and Jessica and Jennifer go retreave it.

This episode gets pretty interesting though when Jennifer recognizes a Playboy casting director while they're at the club.  She gives him a call the next day, and a few of the girls are asked to come in to do a test shoot.  This episode ends with Jennifer, Ashley and Kori all going to a photoshoot!